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Advantage Flag League

Coaches Corner

At Advantage Flag Football we believe that any great league begins with great coaches, positive attitudes and encouraging words.
This area of our website is for volunteers and coaches to gain insight into our philosophy towards youth sports, football and parent involvement.

Character Counts and sportsmanship is the best message we can all help deliver when dealing with players and parents in youth sports.

This league can only thrive with the involvement of parents and friends like you. Whether you know it or not, you will play an enormous role in the development of the Advantage Flag participant both on and off the field. We have heard countless success stories of how players have grown due to caring coaches. This responsibility can and will be very rewarding to you!

Sound daunting? Don’t worry; being a great coach is not as difficult as you may think. Are you still a little apprehensive because you think that you don’t know the difference between a button hook and a slant? Do you think you're not qualified? Excellent! Your willingness to question your own knowledge shows that you possess one of the key elements for success; you care enough about others to honestly evaluate yourself. This sign of good character combined with the right resources of knowledge will enable you to provide your team with a great experience.

Some think in order to effectively coach you must have an extensive knowledge of technique and tactics for the specific sport. Quite simply, this is not true. It is much more important to have the appropriate coaching mentality when it comes to youth sports.

In an effort to make your job more enjoyable as an Advantage Flag Certified Coach, we have created the Coaches Corner to use as a resource.

Once again, we must say that your participation in our league is invaluable and we appreciate your time and energy. We hope that you enjoy this experience as much as we do!

The Advantage Sports Staff

Please feel free to open, print, read and share these documents as needed.
Certified Coaching Standards

League Basics

Rule and Regulations

So you never thought
you could ever coach a team!!

Well..... Watch this!!

YLAFL Coaching Requirements from YorbaLindaAFL on Vimeo.